Inspections aren’t just for the buyer; they are so incredibly important for the seller of a home also. A Pre-Home Inspection is highly suggested to anyone selling their house for many reasons. One of the most nerve-racking ordeals of the selling process is when an offer comes in, everything has been agreed upon, and now, we wait. We wait for the inspection to take place and then we wait a bit more for the buyer to decide what they are going to do with that report.
They have 3 options available to them:
They are fine with everything and move forward.
They walk away; they find to many things going on and don’t want to go through with the sale any longer.
There is some kind of compromise and money is usually offered up or spent on repairs.
Many times, knowing ahead of time there is an issue or an area that needs to be addressed is much less costly in both time and money. Knowing ahead of time also saves on the unnecessary stress of waiting and renegotiating. When the buyer makes an offer, they are making that offer knowing what is there. They may get their own inspection, but they cannot come back with what you have already disclosed. Speaking of “disclosure”, this is one more layer of disclosure that helps if anything should go sideways. First-In Home Inspections is who I like to use, here is their link. You are always able to choose who you want to use.
As a buyer this is your opportunity to really check out the home you made an offer on, make sure there are no issues we are not seeing by eye. I recommend having a home inspection on any home you would write an offer on, also many home warranties will ask to see the inspection report.
(Sellers & Buyers will pay for their inspections, upon the completion of the sale, the cost of the inspection will be given back to you).